5 Must-Haves for Every Multi-Family Community Space

What 5 elements belong in your clubhouse?

Design the perfect shared space with essentials your residents will actually use

Community space is often the first impression people get of a property. Those first impressions matter—they set the tone for the rest of your prospect’s experience and help them envision living there as a resident. When designing these common spaces, the amenities you choose can make or break this impression.

Well-designed community spaces can help you appeal to potential residents while encouraging your current residents to stick around longer. In this article, we’re sharing more about the five must-have amenities for every multi-family community space, including:

Seating and Furniture

Comfy and plentiful seating gives your residents a reason to stay awhile. It makes the space more functional, while serving up a homey vibe.

Aim for a mix of thoughtfully planned seating areas that include a mix of sofas, chairs, coffee tables, and side tables. Modular pieces like stools and smaller chairs allow residents to easily rearrange furniture to their liking, making the space more flexible and functional. Choose comfortable items that encourage residents to relax, interact with each other, and take full advantage of common spaces. Classic styles that won’t look dated over time will help you get the most life out of your furniture investment. Seating areas should have a purpose like work, relaxation, or be planned to be flexible enough to accommodate both.

You’ll also want to select these items based on their durability and ease of cleaning. Consider that multiple people will be using these items on a daily basis, which means wear and tear will occur faster than with items in individual units. Make sure furniture is easy to clean to keep it looking like new. Stain-resistant materials minimize the effects of spills, dirt, and other elements, which means less work for your cleaning crew and more enjoyment for your residents.


Community spaces serve different purposes for different people. Some need a space where they can work remotely while escaping the confines of their own apartment. Others want a place where they can unwind after a long day at the office. At night, lighting is important for residents passing through the space on their way to their units. And during the day, good lighting can make a space feel happy, bright, and energizing.

Having a mix of different types of lighting in the same space helps you cater to all of these expectations. Ambient lighting serves to create a general atmosphere; it lends to the visual appeal of a room and can help to reduce shadows and glares.

In addition, you may want to include task lighting that’s conducive to concentration or certain purposes. This might be adding lamp fixtures to desks or spotlights over specific areas, for example.

Accent lighting can also support a multi-family community space. Similar to task lighting, accent lighting illuminates specific areas rather than entire rooms. It can also draw attention to specific features that might otherwise be overlooked. For example, you might include accent lighting along the edges of steps or near artwork.

Art and Decor

Art and decor bring community spaces to life. They bring color, texture, and emotion into the room to create an ambiance that will attract prospective tenants. Creating a specific vibe and mood hinges on interior design. You want the space to feel intentional and put together, while still catering to the needs of your residents.

That said, it can be overwhelming to choose the right pieces. Consider the purpose of the space. Is it meant to be a relaxing environment or more functional? This will help determine whether you want calming artwork or practical decor, such as tables that can double as seating.

Also, take into account the size of the room. Large pieces may overwhelm smaller spaces, while too many small items may clutter larger areas.

You also want your art and decor pieces to be on-brand and visually appealing. Again, this comes back to intention. It’s not just about choosing pieces you like, but also selecting items that work well together to create a cohesive design. Art selected or custom made by local or regional artists when appropriate also helps tie the space back to the community.


As technology expands into more parts of our daily lives, residents expect the spaces they spend time in to provide technological access and support. Offering high-speed internet, power outlets for charging devices, and even smart devices and entertainment systems can help residents feel more at home within community spaces. This is important throughout the property, even extending into your outdoor amenity spaces. They can use these areas to their fullest potential and feel like they’re getting more value as a resident.

Technology also adds an extra layer of convenience and functionality for residents. For example, greater technology access makes common areas perfect for planned events and community gatherings.

Plants and Greenery

Being cooped up for weeks during the Covid pandemic has reinforced just how important it is to stay connected with nature. Community spaces can help to bridge the gap by bringing in greenery and plants to help residents feel surrounded by nature.

Indoor plants improve air quality while enhancing the overall aesthetics of a space. They bring a sense of liveliness and freshness to any room and work with virtually any design style or color palette.

Plus, research has shown that bringing plants indoors can lower stress levels and boost productivity. They create a more calming atmosphere, catering to our need to be part of nature.

Ideally, you can choose plants that thrive without direct sunlight and won’t require a lot of water. One great option is the snake plant, also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue. This plant has thick leaves that can store water for long periods, making it perfect for those who tend to forget about their plant watering duties. It also thrives in low-light conditions and helps purify the air by removing toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene. Another great option is the ZZ plant, which can survive in almost any lighting situation and only needs to be watered once every two weeks. Its shiny leaves add a modern touch to any room.

Adding plants is a simple way to uplift any space without breaking the bank.

Combining These Elements for a Winning Community Space

All of the elements above contribute to the overall “wow-factor” of your community space. It’s impossible to cater to each individual’s wishes and whims; preferences for amenities, ambiance, and aesthetics vary from person to person. A proper designer will help you take the best approach by conceptualizing the look, feel, and vibe you’re going for, as well as the type of resident you want to attract.

Contact SouthPark Interiors to schedule an interior design consultation for your next multi-family development.